Cascadia Growth Fund for Unitarian Universalism is powered by dedicated volunteers and staff who are passionate about UU congregations.


Our Administrator, Stephanie Chia, keeps the Cascadia machine running smoothly and professionally, continually improving our systems along the way. Stephanie lives on Whidbey Island, Washington, and as evidence of her organizational skills, she works for two UU congregations as well as Cascadia.
Stephanie Chia, WA

Stephanie Chia, WA


Board Members

Spanning the geographic region we serve, the Board represents congregations large, medium and small, lay leaders and clergy. We believe connections between congregations are essential and that helping each another is the best feeling ever. The blend of lay leaders and ministers ensures our deliberations are mutually informed to the benefit of the congregations we support.
Rev. Antonia Won, BC

Rev. Antonia Won, BC


Don Gayton, BC

Don Gayton, BC

Vice President

David Bauman, WA

David Bauman, WA


Rev. Sarah Schurr, OR

Rev. Sarah Schurr, OR


Beverly Fogle, WA

Beverly Fogle, WA

At Large Member

Rev. Margo Rinehart, WA

Rev. Margo Rinehart, WA

At Large Member

Richard Powell, OR

Richard Powell, OR

At Large Member

Chalice Lighter Coordinators

Behind the scenes of the Chalice Lighters program are Coordinators Sally Betser and Floyd Roell, volunteers extraordinaire. Experienced UU lay leaders, Sally and Floyd keep Chalice Lighters ticking with wisdom, skill and warmth.