Unitarian Universalists helping congregations grow in spirit, strength, and size.

Cascadia’s ‘Growth Funds’ and ‘Chalice Lighters’ program provide financial support to help Unitarian Universalist congregations in reaching their stepping stones to vibrancy, connection and inclusion.

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Giving to Cascadia strengthens UU congregations, helping them to serve and inspire people and communities across the Northwest.

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What’s your congregation’s next step? Expanding technology? Developing lay leadership skills? Bringing in a consultant? Updating a building? Cascadia can help.

Current Call:

Chalice Lighters

The Winter Call is here! Your support makes a difference! Learn more about the current call, make a gift and see what’s new with Chalice Lighters.

We are Cascadia Growth Fund for Unitarian Universalism.


Cascadia’s mission is to support the vitality of Unitarian Universalist congregations and fellowships in Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and parts of Idaho. We do this by financially assisting congregations to grow in spirit, strength, and size; and to reach their stepping stones to vibrancy, connection and inclusion.

Formerly the Pacific Northwest Unitarian Universalist Growth Foundation,
Cascadia Growth Fund for Unitarian Universalism is an independent, registered non-profit operating in the Alaska-Cascadia region. It is not affiliated with any other organization.

We acknowledge the reality of systemic racism and the discomfort that accompanies its undoing. As a Board, we commit ourselves to this challenge in our relations, our decision making, and the initiatives we undertake.

Growing Unitarian Universalism through connection and community.

Since 1997, the Cascadia Growth Fund and Chalice Lighters have helped UU congregations flourish by connecting supporters with congregations who need funding.

1.5+ MIL

Dollars We Raised


Grants & Loans We Made


Growth Fund Supporters and Chalice Lighters


UU Congregations We Serve

Funding Success Stories

Unitarian Universalists in this part of the world value helping one another. Both the Growth Fund and Chalice Lighters are unique innovations that were created twenty five years ago by local leaders to support local congregations. Generations of UUs have given generously, helping neighboring congregations meet their challenges and their potential. Check out some recent projects below.

success stories

Find the funding you need.

Grants and low interest loans help you do more.

Helping your congregation thrive is Cascadia’s goal. From physical improvements to new programs, from congregational collaborations to consulting support, the Growth Fund and Chalice Lighters offer a variety of funding opportunities.

Learn more about our funding options:
Chalice Lighter Grants Growth Fund Grants Loans

Donor Stories

Unitarian Universalists know that helping one another brings satisfaction and strengthens us all. UUs in the Northwest have a long tradition of investing in each others’ congregations through Cascadia Growth Fund and Chalice Lighters. Our congregations are grateful for your support of our funding programs.

donor stories

Brian Rogers

Port Townsend, WA
Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

I’ve been a Chalice Lighter in the Pacific Northwest for over 25 years now. It’s one way I can advance liberal religion in our region and beyond. Over that time I’ve been a member of two congregations that benefitted from both Chalice Lighter grants and Cascadia Growth Fund loans. I know that these congregations and many others are stronger and more vibrant because of what Cascadia’s funding programs have made possible.

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Susan Howlett

Seattle, WA
University Unitarian Church

The first time I attended a District Assembly, I realized that my congregation was part of a much larger body – one committed to strengthening all the UUs in the Northwest.  When invited to support the ministers, interns and congregations supported by the Hewett-Hopper-Raible Fund, I was inspired to make the first of many joyful gifts over the years.  I like how we all have each other’s backs!

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Beverly Fogle

Seattle, WA
University Unitarian Church, Seattle (Formerly of First Unitarian Church, Portland)

I’ve always been a member of a large UU congregation. When I became active in a leadership role and met other PNWD leaders – including Rod Stewart, the financial issues of our smaller congregations became very real to me. That’s when my giving juices focused on the group now known as Cascadia. It’s unique and provides support not available elsewhere. I invite other UUs from big churches to join me.

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Leave a legacy.

Donating makes the impossible, possible.

UU congregations sustain and even save people as we navigate personal and societal challenges. Giving to Cascadia strengthens UU congregations, helping them to serve and inspire people and communities across the Northwest.