Frequently Asked Questions
Is Cascadia Growth Fund part of the PWR (Pacific Western Region) or the UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association)?
No, we are an independent registered non-profit that funds Unitarian Universalist Congregations in the Pacific Northwest. We support the UUA and have a covenanted working relationship with PWR Staff.
Is Cascadia Growth Fund for Unitarian Universalism a tax exempt non-profit?
Cascadia Growth Fund is a US registered tax exempt non-profit as noted in the footer of this page. It is not registered in Canada as a non-profit.
What's the difference between Cascadia Growth Fund and Cascadia Chalice Lighters?
Cascadia’s Growth Funds operates in the traditional way: fundraising and responding to proposals from congregational applicants. The Cascadia Growth Fund Board raises the funds, reviews the proposals and makes funding decisions for the funds.
How do congregations qualify for Cascadia funding?
To qualify for Chalice Lighter funding, congregations must be UUA Fair Share congregation and 30% of the congregation’s members (per UUA certified numbers) must be active Cascadia Chalice Lighter donors.
What does Cascadia fund?
Who makes the decisions about funding?
Cascadia Chalice Lighter recipients are selected by a volunteer advisory group. Decisions are approved by the Growth Fund Board.
How do I apply for funding?
For information about Growth Fund funding, you can visite the Growth Fund Steams page. For Chalice Lighter grants, you can find more information on the Chalice Lighters Grant Application Information page.
Can individual UUs apply for funding?
Does Cascadia fund Staff positions?
How long do funding decisions take?
Does Cascadia fund expenses to attend the UUA's General Assembly or the Regional Assembly?
Congregations seeking to create a targeted event in the Pacific Northwest should apply to Cascadia for funding.