As a visionary, practical, compassionate person invested in a world that works for all, you understand the value of Unitarian Universalist congregations who strive to make it so.
Why Give to the Cascadia Growth Fund?
UU congregations sustain and even save people as we navigate personal and societal challenges. Giving to Cascadia strengthens UU congregations, helping them to serve and inspire people and communities across the Northwest.
You likely found this webpage because you’re a longtime Unitarian Universalist with a special place in your heart for the congregations of the Pacific Northwest. You’ve seen a UU congregation be a touchstone in your life or a beacon of hope for someone you know.
Common Reason Unitarian Universalists Give
Here are some of the common reasons that people give. You may see yourself in some of these statements:
“I worry about the struggles UU congregations face: budget cuts, aging buildings, and increased technology demands.”
“In this age of rising intolerance when the need for UUism is so urgent, I worry about what will happen if we don’t invest in our neighbor congregations.”
“I understand the importance of UU congregations as pillars of social justice and progressive values in our communities and our society.”
“My church is stable and healthy and it’s only fair that we help others that are struggling to keep the doors open, especially the ones that serve smaller communities.”
“I want to make sure financial supports are available when my congregation needs it someday.”
“We eat the fruit from trees we did not plant.”
Unitarian Universalists are committed to making the world a better place and you want this too. You recognize that our congregations are vital to the UU movement, and how essential it is that they are vibrant, connected, and able to share our message of love. You dedicate your time, your skills, your friendship, your money generously. You want to make a difference, and we can make it happen.
At Cascadia, we see that congregations sometimes need an extra, targeted investment in their future. Over two thirds of Northwest UU congregations received Cascadia’s help when they needed it most.
Cascadia takes considered risks towards clear outcomes, helping congregations overcome specific obstacles to growth, or improve their performance as a vital congregation and partner in their community.
We stay committed to this work because leaders tell us the returns on our congregational investments are tangible and impactful.
If your congregation has received a Growth Fund grant, or you give to Cascadia, or you are a Chalice Lighter, you already know that Unitarian Universalists giving to Unitarian Universalists creates a sense of community and belonging to something larger than ourselves. As part of the interdependent web, your gift supports us all.