When it comes to granting and applying for grants, there are four different areas under which your grant can fall.
When it comes to the Growth Funds, there are four areas of congregational life under which your grant or loan can fall. Applying for a grant or loan is relatively easy, however requirements and submission schedules can vary. Here we’ll look at the different types of funding and some examples of projects that are covered. We remember the four streams of congregational life funding by this little rhyme:
Here is the church
Funding Stream #1:
Building Improvements & Accessibility
This fund provides loans to congregations for many types of physical improvements, and especially for accessibility.
Here is the steeple
Funding Stream #2:
Mission-Based Initiatives
These grants are for certain initiatives aimed at the health, vitality and purpose of UU congregations in the Northwest.
Open the door
Funding Stream #3:
Technology & Communications Improvements
Cascadia provides funding to improve a congregation’s ability to effectively communicate with its members and potential newcomers.
See all the people
Funding Stream #4:
Connections & Collaborations
Opportunities for relationships via collaborations between congregations, cluster projects, conferences and workshops.
Here is the church.
Funding Stream #1
Building/Facility Improvements
This fund provides loans to congregations for many types of physical improvements, and especially for accessibility.
Funding Stream #2
Mission based initiatives
“Each congregation is unique and self-determining. The Cascadia Board is committed to helping congregations discover or live into their purpose or mission.”
These grants are for certain initiatives aimed at the health, vitality and purpose of UU congregations in the Northwest. These are:
- Justice projects
- Conflict resolution and management support and/or training
- New ministry/internships (Hewett Hopper Raible Fund)
- Mission-building work
Here is the steeple.
Open the doors.
Funding Stream #3
Technology and Communications Improvements
In today’s social media world, small congregations are usually at a disadvantage in having the equipment and expertise to meet their communications needs. As hybrid services become the new norm even in small congregations, technology and communications will continue to be a challenge.
Cascadia provides funding to improve a congregation’s ability to effectively communicate with its members and potential newcomers through:
- Technology infrastructure and training.
- Communications training.
- Outside tech support e.g. website improvements.
Calls for proposals will be made periodically through Cascadia’s congregational contacts.
Funding Stream #4
Connections and Collaborations
Available grants:
Historically, a broad web of relationships has existed among UUs across the Pacific Northwest, many lasting for decades, providing sustenance, identity, and hope. Lay leaders from different congregational settings shared their experiences, broadening horizons and lessening isolation. These personal encounters and connections inspired newcomers and seasoned leaders alike, and benefited their home congregations in important ways.
See all the people.