Cascadia Growth Fund
Cascadia Growth Fund for Unitarian Universalism raises money that it grants and loans directly to UU congregations through the ‘Growth Funds.’
The Growth Funds are aimed at four general areas of congregational life:
- Building Improvements and accessibility
- Mission-based initiatives related to ministry, purpose and vitality
- Technology and communications equipment and training
- Initiatives among congregations such as collaborations, clusters, conferences and workshops
Grants are available to all UUA recognized congregations. Funds are managed and awarded by the Board of the Cascadia Growth Fund for Unitarian Universalism.
Granting Strategies
- provide small grants
- allot money for a specific goal and share it among many congregations
- provide emergency funding on short notice
- provide building loans
In March 2020, $75,000 was made available for congregations to equip for steaming services when the pandemic suddenly closed their doors. All 40 congregations who applied received help.
In May 2021, another $80,000 was granted to 30 congregations to help cope with the challenges of the day. Grants went to supporting technology purchases and training, antiracism workshops, and a ministerial internship.